Package 'nofrills'

Title: Low-Cost Anonymous Functions
Description: Provides a compact variation of the usual syntax of function declaration, in order to support tidyverse-style quasiquotation of a function's arguments and body.
Authors: Eugene Ha [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Eugene Ha <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.3.2
Built: 2025-02-01 02:40:42 UTC

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Abbreviated functional arguments


as_fn() is for functions that take functional arguments. Use as_fn() inside a function to enable it to comprehend a minimal anonymous-function notation for arguments that are functions. This notation is that of fn(), but with ‘fn’ replaced by ‘.’ (dot).





A function or an abbreviated anonymous-function expression of the form .(...), where ... is a function declaration (i.e., . (dot) in this context is an alias of fn()). Quasiquotation is supported.


as_fn() cannot follow promise expressions across function calls. It is only intended to work in the immediate context in which a function declaration is to be interpreted (see Examples).


If .f is a function, it is simply returned, otherwise the function determined by the function declaration is returned.

See Also

fn(), make_fn_aware()


call_fn <- function(.f, x) {
  f <- as_fn(.f)
call_fn(log, 1)
call_fn(.(. ~ sin(.) ^ 2), 1)
# simplified function expressions support quasiquotation
f <- sin
call_fn(.(. ~ (!!f)(.) ^ 2), 1)

## wrap Map() to accept abbreviated anonymous function expressions
Map_ <- function (f, ...) {
  f <- as_fn(f)
  mapply(FUN = f, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# you can call Map_() just like Map()
Map_(function(x, y, z) paste(x, y, paste("and", z), sep = ", "), 1:3, 4:6, 7:9)
# or use a simplified function expression
Map_(.(x, y, z ~ paste(x, y, paste("and", z), sep = ", ")), 1:3, 4:6, 7:9)

## abbreviated anonymous functions are interpreted in the calling environment
# so this works, as expected
foo <- function(a) as_fn(a)
foo(.(x ~ x + 1))
# but as_fn() can't interpret abbreviated anonymous functions across calls
foo <- function(a) bar(a)
bar <- function(b) as_fn(b)
## Not run: 
foo(.(x ~ x + 1))
## End(Not run)

Curry a function


curry() curries functions—it reconstitutes a function as a succession of single-argument functions. For example, curry() produces the the function

function(x) {
  function(y) {
    function(z) {
      x * y * z

from the function function(x, y, z) x * y * z.

curry_fn() produces a curried function from an fn()-style function declaration, which supports quasiquotation of a function’s body and (default) argument values.


curry(f, env = environment(f))

curry_fn(..., ..env = parent.frame())





Environment of the curried function or NULL. If NULL, the environment of the curried function is the calling environment.


Function declaration, which supports quasiquotation.


Environment in which to create the function (i.e., the function’s enclosing environment).


Dots (...) are treated as a unit when currying. For example, curry() transforms function(x, ...) list(x, ...) to function(x) { function(...) list(x, ...) }.


A function of nested single-argument functions.

See Also



curry(function(x, y, z = 0) x + y + z)
double <- curry(`*`)(2)
double(3)  # 6

curry_fn(x, y, z = 0 ~ x + y + z)
curry_fn(target, ... ~ identical(target, ...))

## Delay unquoting to embed argument values into the innermost function
compare_to <- curry_fn(target, x ~ identical(x, QUQ(target)))
is_this <- compare_to("this")
is_this("that")  # FALSE
is_this("this")  # TRUE
classify_as <- curry_fn(class, x ~ `class<-`(x, QUQ(class)))
as_this <- classify_as("this")
as_this("Some object")  # String of class "this"

Low-cost anonymous functions


fn() enables you to create (anonymous) functions, of arbitrary call signature. Use it in place of the usual ⁠function()⁠ invocation whenever you want to:

  • type less:

        fn(x, y = 1 ~ x + y)
        function(x, y = 1) x + y

    are equivalent

  • guard against changes in lexical scope: by enabling tidyverse quasiquotation, fn() allows you to “burn in” values at the point of function creation (see Pure functions via quasiquotation)


fn(..., ..env = parent.frame())



Function declaration, which supports quasiquotation.


Environment in which to create the function (i.e., the function’s enclosing environment).


A function whose enclosing environment is ..env.

Function declarations

A function declaration is an expression that specifies a function’s arguments and body, as a comma-separated expression of the form

    arg1, arg2, ..., argN ~ body


    arg1, arg2, ..., argN, ~ body

(Note in the second form that the body is a one-sided formula. This distinction is relevant for argument splicing, see below.)

  • To the left of ~, you write a conventional function-argument declaration, just as in ⁠function(<arguments>)⁠: each of arg1, arg2, ..., argN is either a bare argument (e.g., x or ...) or an argument with default value (e.g., x = 1).

  • To the right of ~, you write the function body, i.e., an expression of the arguments.


All parts of a function declaration support tidyverse quasiquotation:

  • To unquote values (of arguments or parts of the body), use ⁠!!⁠:

        z <- 0
        fn(x, y = !!z ~ x + y)
        fn(x ~ x > !!z)
  • To unquote argument names (with default value), use ⁠:=⁠ (definition operator):

        arg <- "y"
        fn(x, !!arg := 0 ~ x + !!
  • To splice in a (formal) list of arguments, use ⁠!!!⁠:

        fn(!!!alist(x, y = 0), ~ x + y)

    (Note that the body, in this case, must be given as a one-sided formula.)

  • To write literal unquoting operators, use QUQ(), QUQS():

        my_summarise <- fn(df, ... ~ {
          group_by <- quos(...)
          df %>%
            group_by(QUQS(group_by)) %>%
            summarise(a = mean(a))

    (Source: Programming with dplyr)

Pure functions via quasiquotation

Functions in R are generally impure, i.e., the return value of a function will not in general be determined by the value of its inputs alone. This is because a function may depend on mutable objects in its lexical scope. Normally this isn’t an issue. But if you are working interactively and sourcing files into the global environment, say, or using a notebook interface (like Jupyter or R Notebook), it can be tricky to ensure that you haven’t unwittingly mutated an object that an earlier function depends upon.

Example — Consider the following function:

    a <- 1
    foo <- function(x) x + a

What is the value of foo(1)? It is not necessarily 2, because the value of a may have changed between the creation of foo() and the calling of foo(1):

    foo(1)  #> [1] 2
    a <- 0
    foo(1)  #> [1] 1

In other words, foo() is impure because the value of foo(x) depends not only on the value of x but also on the externally mutable value of a.

fn() enables you to write pure functions by using quasiquotation to eliminate such indeterminacy.

Example — With fn(), you can unquote a to “burn in” its value at the point of creation:

    a <- 1
    foo <- fn(x ~ x + !!a)

Now foo() is a pure function, unaffected by changes in its lexical scope:

    foo(1)  #> [1] 2
    a <- 0
    foo(1)  #> [1] 2

See Also

as_fn(), make_fn_aware(), curry_fn()


fn(x ~ x + 1)
fn(x, y ~ x + y)
fn(x, y = 2 ~ x + y)
fn(x, y = 1, ... ~ log(x + y, ...))

## to specify '...' in the middle, write '... = '
fn(x, ... = , y ~ log(x + y, ...))

## use one-sided formula for constant functions or commands
fn(~ NA)
fn(~ message("!"))

## unquoting is supported (using `!!` from rlang)
zero <- 0
fn(x = !!zero ~ x > !!zero)

## formals and function bodies can also be spliced in
f <- function(x, y) x + y
g <- function(y, x, ...) x - y
frankenstein <- fn(!!!formals(f), ~ !!body(g))
stopifnot(identical(frankenstein, function(x, y) x - y))

## mixing unquoting and literal unquoting is possible
if (suppressWarnings(require(dplyr))) {
  summariser <- quote(mean)

  my_summarise <- fn(df, ... ~ {
    group_by <- quos(...)
    df %>%
      group_by(QUQS(group_by)) %>%
      summarise(a = `!!`(summariser)(a))


Make a function aware of abbreviated functional arguments


make_fn_aware() is a functional operator that enhances a function by enabling it to interpret abbreviated functional arguments.


make_fn_aware(f, ...)



Function, or symbol or name of a function.


Name(s) of functional argument(s) of f (strings) or NULL. Unsplicing of lists of strings is supported via ⁠!!!⁠.


A function with the same call signature as f, but whose function arguments, as designated by ..., may be specified using an abbreviated function expression of the form .(...), cf. as_fn(). If ... is empty or NULL, then f is simply returned.

See Also



reduce <- make_fn_aware(Reduce, "f")

## reduce() behaves just like Reduce()
Reduce(function(u, v) u + 1 / v, c(3, 7, 15, 1, 292), right = TRUE)
reduce(function(u, v) u + 1 / v, c(3, 7, 15, 1, 292), right = TRUE)

## reduce() can also interpret abbreviated function expressions
reduce(.(u, v ~ u + 1 / v), c(3, 7, 15, 1, 292), right = TRUE)